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 Good Mouse control

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Good Mouse control Empty
PostSubject: Good Mouse control   Good Mouse control EmptySun Feb 20, 2011 7:16 am

Download this.
Download thecplmousefix.rar
It has both the installer and uninstall.

All it does is change two lines in your system registry to completely stop all mouse acceleration. Remember if you have used Mouse Acceleration for sometime, and have gotten used to it, this is one of the hardest settings changes to get used to. It is completely worth it to adapt to playing without acceleration, so stick with it and you will slowly notice the improvement.

Go to Control Panel>Mouse>Pointer Options.

Good Mouse control Howpoi10

Make sure your Pointer Options is the same as the one in the screen shot.

(Note: The Pointer Speed is set to 6).

If you own a mouse with DPI adjustment. Use all the DPI the mouse is capable of using.

If you don't own a DPI Mouse don't worry. You can still use the CPL Mouse.

Next, you just have to find a in-game sensitivity that fits you.

I am currently using 0.43900 sensivity I have to say I am owning people harder than I ever had.

Trust me a lot of professional PC gamers do this.

btw i got 10$ Mouse fking small.
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